Literary Activities
Language Clubs
These clubs are aimed at being less formal than the classroom. Most benefits of being a member of one may not be realized immediately but later in life, for sure. Keeping the young Orbians engaged, connecting with peers in a creative way and relaxed atmosphere are just the tip of this iceberg.
Public Speaking
Be it personal development or career, channeling one’s thoughts or analysing a situation, young Orbians experience it all through the portals of their institution. Public speaking is an important facet of one's life. It improves communication skills, ingrains leadership qualities, and demonstrates knowledge. History is replete with examples where great changes in nations and communities have been brought about by public speakers, both positive and negative. All great leaders, past or present, have been great public speakers.
- Elocution
The Orbis School prepares children well for life. Here, Orbians start off early at honing the skills of grammatical exactitude and proper pronunciation through Elocution skills. - Debate
Debating plays a crucial role in public speaking. It teaches rhetoric and the ability to stand up and speak in front of an audience, demanding confidence in one’s position. Debating helps develop analytical and logical thinking, increases knowledge across varied disciplines, and enhances self-confidence. It also integrates the power to read, think, and speak simultaneously, preparing students for diverse professional paths, including journalism.
In this world of education, there are ways and means to teach and to consolidate what has been learned. Quizzes redefine the education system in significant ways. Here at Orbis, it gives young ones an opportunity to hone their teamwork skills at an early age.
Creative Writing
In the literacy development of young minds, Creative Writing plays an emphatic role. It broadens young Orbians’ thought processes, which in turn leads to success in many areas, including problem-solving and analyzing, over and above bettering their reading habits.
School Magazine
A monthly magazine is published based on calendar events, achievements, artwork, poems, and compositions based on the creative bent of mind of the students. This magazine is the output of the Editorial Club, which is conducted during the Club periods. Here at Orbis, we believe that the students must be given an opportunity and the freedom to express themselves without any inhibitions. They are also the budding editors, scriptwriters, and novelists of tomorrow.