Greater Education Programme
The minds of children see no impossibility and to help them stretch their imagination the schools have a greater educational programme for them.
In this educational programme, the students will have to look beyond books and work closely with society. The education programme is designed such that students experience first-hand knowledge that is mentioned in their books.
Students will research, coordinate and present a topic outside the school syllabus to the school community of teachers and students.
Making children aware of issues related to human rights and dignity concerning daily issues like water pollution or gender inequality and encouraging them to explore novel ways of finding solutions.
Interaction with the socio-cultural world for creation and recreation of knowledge. For example, students can directly interact with the Gram Panchayat representative to understand how decentralisation helps in addressing local and civic issues. Or how local oral history could be connected with regional history and national history. Or there would also be a guest lecture for connecting school with the world outside.
Use of technology such as video simulation through smart class boards, radio recorded extracts, movies and documentaries to be integrated with school teaching plans.