
May 2021

Showing 3 Blogs

STEAM vs STEM education: What's best for our child’s future in the digital age?

STEM is an abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths. “STEAM” includes STEM plus the Arts – humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design, and new media.

The main difference between STEM and STEAM is STEM explicitly concentrates o

Online Learning vs Classroom Learning

The Covid 19 situation has brought about a revolutionary change in the educational sector the world over. Faced with the possibility of having to forgo a year of classroom education, the traditional chalk and talk teaching had to be shelved and new innovative methods of instruction were devised.

E-learning tips for parents helping their children at home

Schools are closed for quite a while, but schooling is on. Since children can’t travel, education has come to their doorstep. E-learning has become the new normal and parents have suddenly stepped into the shoes to assist educators.

Here are tips that may